Developing a strong brand is a key task in meeting the strategic objectives of an organisation. A brand consists of all those elements of a company's business that impact on the customer, its suppliers and the workforce. It's what people identify with, and more importantly, remember about a company.
RhysJones' particular strength lies in our ability to analyse the strategic as well as the practical needs of our clients. This means finding and protecting the right image that can also be applied easily and rationally throughout the organisation.
We survey customers, staff and other stakeholders in order to define the brand, brief the design team and formulate a staff development programme. We also work closely with the design team to create stimulating and original design concepts. A detailed inventory is carried out so that the design can be integrated quickly and easily in the commercial life of the firm, taking every opportunity to reduce costs through standardisation and the use of information technology.
Please view some examples of our work below.
Building Work for Women
Building Work for Women is an innovative programme begun in 2000 that bridges the gap between training and employment for women in the construction trades. BWW has experienced considerable success matching trainee tradeswomen with employers for highly supported on-site experience. Now into its fifth round of site placements the team is able to take on 15 'improvers' for a 13 week placement. Tens of women who have so far participated in the programme have either entered permanent employment or continued into further training.
BWW has been awarded funding from the London Development Agency, European Social Fund, Central London Learning and Skills Council and the Construction Industry Training Board and has been recognised as a model of excellence.
The project was also shortlisted in the prestigious Lord Mayor of London's 2001 Dragon Awards, which recognises the impact of businesses involved in community regeneration in London.
RhysJones, as part of its Change the face of construction campaign, is a partner in the project, responsible for marketing, training and promotion.
As well as trainee work placements, BWW has developed the exciting Build Up initiative that has forged links with small and medium sized enterprises, community and voluntary groups. These non-mainstream organisations benefit from opportunities to use the skills of the women trainees, whilst they gain that valuable work experience. Build Up also offers tradeswomen and men vocational skills development training, especially employees in small businesses and sub-contractors.
Full details of the project can be found at
promoting engineering excellence
The Royal Academy of Engineering was established as The Fellowship of Engineering in 1976 on the initiative of Prince Philip and a group of distinguished engineers. It was granted a Royal Charter in May 1983 and the title of The Royal Academy of Engineering in July 1992.
RhysJones is advising The Royal Academy of Engineering on marketing the twenty or so educational schemes which it co-ordinates as part of a £3.5 million educational programme. Each of the schemes is managed locally by on of 50 directors. Until now the different schemes had different names and identities.
Following research RhysJones recommended developing a single brand for all the schemes in the programme so that each scheme could get the most promotional synergy from each other. The consultancy made a number of other recommendations for marketing the schemes including the appointment of scheme champions. The programme is to be promoted under the acronym Best Better engineering students today, Building enterprise success tomorrow.
Working with graphic designers Circle, RhysJones has created a cd-rom and linked website which provides the tools and information which will assist the promote the schemes. The CD ROM contains the elements of a corporate identity, stationery standards, standards for publications and presentation slides. Royalty free photographs and a set of unique illustrations have been created so that individual schemes can have access to high quality material at low cost.
Every year 4,500 outstanding young people take part in The Royal Academy of Engineerings Best programme. The programme attracts, develops and retains high quality young people in engineering. They consistently gain higher academic qualifications than their peers and make a substantial contribution to the many companies involved with the programme.
The Best programme is financed by industry, government, and also, substantially, by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. In order to increase the quality and numbers of students involved, The Academy is seeking further funding, partnerships and sponsorship from commerce and industry. If you think we can help your business, or you can help us, please e-mail us at
The Royal Academy of Engineerings other major activities include sharing knowledge and creating debate through a series of lectures and seminars on engineering subjects of public interest. It publishes reports on issues of national importance and provides expert advice to government and other bodies. In recent years, for example, The Academy has produced reports on the impact of flooding on ferries, sustainable development, the contribution of engineering to cardio-vascular surgery, and new opportunities in bio-materials.
To engineer is to make things happen Websters Dictionary
launch of professional services business
RhysJones launch a new business for Tarmac plc, and the US consulting
firm Black & Veatch, when they acquired the UK governments
design and building procurement agency.
RhysJones carried out research to establish attitudes towards the
acquisition in order to plan the launch and communications strategy.
Named TBV to reflect its ownership, a symbol was designed which
expressed the role of the company in harnessing the forces of nature
for the benefit of people.
The launch programme included the preparation of a series of brochures
for each of the companies, a press and advertising campaign and
the introduction of the corporate identity to the interior design
of 100,000 square foot office in London.
A nine projector, 1000 slide audio-visual show was also produced,
incorporating video and a live link to the Kansas City headquarters
of Black & Veatch together with a large exhibition with interactive
computer displays. Over a period of three months, this presentation
was attended by 3000 staff and customers throughout the UK.
national promotion of Local Authority Building Control
RhysJones was appointed to research, conceive and implement the
response of local authorities throughout the UK to competition from
the private sector for building control services.
The consultancy carried out extensive research amongst local authority
building control departments, their clients and other influential
bodies. The results were used to develop the marketing strategy.
In order to improve building control officers perception of
marketing RhysJones provided a comprehensive Marketing Manual and
ran a series of training courses for over 1500 employees.
A key element in the strategy was the design of a visual identity
that could be used by the 350 participating authorities. The main
objective was to use the identity to forge an image of a nationally
co-ordinated service.
The consultants produced promotional material including brochures,
posters, leaflets, window stickers and other items to be used by
all participating authorities. The activity was supported by a press
campaign and a series of industry seminars.
Rugby Cement
The corporate identity of this major industrial company had become
confused over a period of time. There were many varieties of its symbol
in use and no coherent logotype. The problem was compounded by an
inconsistent branding policy.
RhysJones Consultants carried out research to resolve the branding
issue and designed a co-ordinated corporate identity for stationery,
office forms, computer forms, vehicles, rail wagons, company signs,
packaging and numerous other applications.
Age Concern
The Age Concern logotype introduced ideas of friendliness and support
for old people whilst retaining some of the anger expressed in its
original identity. The corporate identity needed to be simple and
cheap enough to be used by any of the 100 or more autonomous district
associations, yet it had to have the kind of impact that would help
this multi-million pound charity to win financial support in what
is a fiercely competitive market.
The logotype has been applied to newsletters, advertisements, vehicles,
buttons, posters, direct mail, as well as its numerous charity shops
throughout the country.
RhysJones Consultants was asked to develop a new corporate identity
including a new name and communications strategy to signal the changing
role of the Engineering Employers Federation from union adversary
to the voice of the engineering industry. The consultants analysed
the requirements of EEFs members and developed a communications
strategy covering publications, provision of services, media activities,
seminars and accommodation.